My Wordle Strategy

Today’s topic is something literally no one cares about.  Not so long ago, many people –myself included– would share their Wordle scores on social media, and derive something resembling social capital and boasting rights from a quick completion.

But no one cares anymore. Personally, I’ve moved on to “Connections” as my preferred morning mental challenge. But I still do the Wordle as a reflexive bit of warm-up labour. And I no longer care whether I get it in 2, 3, 4, or 5 guesses. I just want to get it done and move on to another game.

I’ve developed a strategy that almost always results in a correct result in exactly four guesses. And I’m going to share that strategy with you today. (more…)


About 35 years ago, give or take, I was in between degrees and needed money. So I took a year long position as a bilingual receptionist at an office of the government of Ontario in Toronto. I think it was the Ontario Training and Adjustment Board, which no longer exists. I really enjoyed that job, as it afforded me a lot of free time to write and think, while just answering the phone and greeting random bureaucrats. (more…)

The Wisest Thing I Ever Did

Greetings, friends. As I write this, there is bag of ice on my lap. Why, you ask? Because I pulled my groin in Brazilian Jiujitsu (BJJ) class, while rolling with someone who was literally a third of my age.  I was attempting a scissor sweep from open guard. (Yes, that means something to some people reading this.) …Which totally should have worked, but something “down there” literally snapped. I heard it.

Getting older sucks, my friends.

But it got me thinking about my journey to this moment. I’ve written about it before, but I think it’s worth revisiting. Being old, I do find myself revisiting the choices I’ve made in my life. It takes a certain mood and strength to tolerate thinking about my bad choices. But I take deep pleasure in recounting the good choices, mostly because there have been so few of them. And perhaps the wisest choice I ever made was done when I was 19 years old, in September of 1986.


My Favourite SNL Musical Performances

Yes, there are momentous things happening on the global stage. Yes, we are still recovering from an historic and impactful US Presidential election. But I’m taking a break from fretting about the world. Instead, today I’m simply going to list my favourite musical performances from multiple decades of Saturday Night Live.

Now, my list will differ from yours. My musical tastes are different from yours. But this is my blog, so I get to make the list. Feel free to add your list in the comments. NBC has blocked many of the videos from YouTube, so I’ve had to scrounge to find samples elsewhere…


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