Giant Ape Men And The Birds Who Love Them
(Note: Before reading this post, please consult the very serious disclaimer.)
What? No one cared for the dance videos? I do and I do and I do for you people. Sigh.
In keeping with one of this blog’s themes, here’s an update on the Washington state horse-fucking story. Surprise, surprise, the state’s legislature is trying to make bestiality illegal there after the much publicized death resulting from penetration by a horse. (The video of which, by the way, is available on the ‘Net.) Interestingly, one of the stumbling blocks the new bill is experiencing is the very distastefulness of the topic. Lawmakers are too disgusted to even read or think about it!
(For those of you new to this site, the bestial links are provided as exemplars of my on-going thesis that instances of animal sex abuse are being increasingly reported in the mainstream media. This in no way is meant as an advocacy of such actions!)
Now, in my last book I touched upon the freakish theory that modern reports of ape-men, like Sasquatch and the Yeti, might just be genetic memories of a time when hominids lived alongside more robust hominoids. In particular, the hominid (direct human ancestor) Australopithecus Afarensis was contemporaneous with a larger cousin, Australopithecus Robustus, also called Zinjanthropus. If I’m remembering my undergrad anthropology correctly (and I’m probably not), even Homo Erectus might have been contemporaneous with a version of Zinjanthropus. The result, in one theory, is that somewhere in our animal hindbrains, we expect and need to see large, robust ape-men scampering about in our periphery.
Similarly, I’ve been intrigued by legends of giant birds that swoop down and snatch humans for food. Such legends are common in many cultures. The “roc” is the most well known, popularizec by The 1001 Arabian Nights.
Thus I am intrigued to read that scientists have found evidence that hominids were once indeed hunted by birds of prey. In the linked article, damage done to the skulls of 2 million year old Australopithecus Africanus specimens have been attributed to birds of prey. Africanus is another version of Afarensis mentioned above. Hmmm… it’s all coming together. Maybe our myths and legends of roc-like birds are in fact just genetic memories of a time when our ancestors were indeed preyed upon by seemingly giant eagles?
Oh, and for the record, I do believe that the yeti exists. Sasquatch probably not.