Dahl, Vodka, Pervs and Human Meatballs

Mmmmm. I love dahl. In fact, I’m pretty sure I could live on it exclusively. So I drove to Toronto earlier this week and absconded with a tankard of my mother’s home-cooked dahl, poured into an emptied 2kg protein powder jug. See how much I love dalhl? I’ve been living off this tankard all week.

Happy birthday to regular Deonandia reader and contributor Anonymous/John/Manoj. The same fellow has shared with us this video clip of a comedian doing a striptease in the guise of Mahatma Gandhi. Unsurprisingly, the video has caused great uproar among Indians, particularly Hindus, the world over, even finding censure from the Indian government. Personally, I’m in favour of mocking and satirizing everyone who has ever lived in the public eye. I’m offended by this performance for one reason alone: it’s not funny. Come on, if you’re going to sabotage your career based on a single gag, it might as well be a funny one!

Cousin Ajay, who has since relocated to Adelaide, Australia (the poor bugger) sends us the following Russian clip of extreme alcohol abuse. I don’t know why this is entertaining, but it is. It;s also a tad scary, since it’s unlikely the “performer” will have an intact liver in 5 years:

In other news, Anju G. sends us this ridiculous story of a US art teacher being fired because, in his free time, he makes paintings using his ass as a brush. I tell you, I am becoming increasingly concerned about these reports of employers punishing their employees for activities they pursue outside the workforce. This, to me, is an intolerable development in a truly liberal, modern society.

Today you get two Daily Perv Links. This one is a follow-up on an older story. And this one is perhaps one of the more disturbing of the perv links I’ve presented to you, so click at your own discretion. At this point, I think it’s important to direct you to the official Deonandia disclaimer.

Speaking of disturbing items, here is a story about a “performance artist” who feeds guests meat made from his own liposucked flesh. Yes, you read that right.

Lastly, for my fellow bloggers I offer this cautionary tale. But don’t let it get you too down, because there are also here bloggers that like this guy, who has showed the world the power of this medium.
