TV, Everest, Hookers And An Exploding Meth Lab
Question: which blogging format do you guys prefer? At present, I blog about once a day, never more frequently, but often cram a lot of unrelated material into a single post. An alternate model would be to post several times a day, with each post being smaller and subtending a specific topic. Which model would you prefer I adopt?
So after gorging myself on the drivel that was Torchwood, I needed to find a new BBC adventure series to clean my palate. Luckily I found the new Robin Hood which, like Torchwood, is not yet available in North America. This is the UK version of Hercules and Xena, which is not necessarily a bad thing. I thoroughly enjoyed its light, frivolous fare. You can watch the entire series here.
(And because some people couldn’t access the Torchwood video I provided, the entire first season is available here.)
As I reported many months ago (here and here), my (retired) grade 9 English teacher Harold Lass successfully trekked to the base camp of Mt Everest. It seems the link for his slideshow has since expired. Mr. Lass has kindly provided a new link here.
Darth Vadum sends us this story about a new statue being “erected” in Amsterdam, intended to honour prostitutes. I love the bit where they talk about, “the precise place where the statue will be laid.” Heh heh.
The big news for my family today is that my sister P. was evacuated from her Miami apartment building when a makeshift lab in another tenant’s apartment exploded. According to my sister’s regular blackberry reports, Homeland Security was quickly on the scene… which is oddly comforting. Nice to know they’re investigating explosions and shit, and not random swarthy gentlemen. Within minutes, the explosion made the news here and here. Methinks the poor, somewhat swarthy, miscreant responsible is going to have a rough time of it over the next few weeks/months/years.