Rebirth of the Podium
Sorry for my absence. Been wayyyyy busy. Still have loads of work to catch up on, sheafs of papers to write, several taxmen to dodge, and a gigabyte of emails to respond to. I even started teaching a new class this week. I wonder how many of my new students are reading this now? Hmmm, interesting.
I will catch you up on one of my procrastination projects, though. Remember The Podium? That free speech brainchild of myself and Ed Wong was born almost exactly a decade ago and sort of fizzled out after a couple of years. It became mostly a repository for my own journalistic writings.
Well, I intend to kick some life back into the old girl. The first step is to migrate the old articles to a new, modern format. I’ve managed to move about a year’s worth of content so far. When the finished product is up and running, I’ll be sure to let you know. In the mean time, you can follow the Podium‘s slow rebirth at it’s new temporary home,
That’s all for tday. See ya!