"Weekly" Twitter Tweets

Weekly Twitter tweets from deonandan, since:2009-08-24

While we’re on our girly pop kick, here’s Le Tigre’s “Deceptacon” as performed by Jem & The Holograms: http://tinyurl.com/2q86lp
Sep 11, 2009 8:10 am EST

Enjoying the mindless girly pop of the Ting Tings.
Sep 10, 2009 07:27 PM GMT

:Twitter haiku 184 – “Do not want jock itch / Would put me in a bad mood / Make me crotchety”
Sep 10, 2009 03:08 PM GMT

:Twitter haiku 183 – “Hormones in the womb / Embryo with facial hair / Or a ‘zygoatee'”
Sep 9, 2009 02:25 PM GMT

Re-watching skiffy classic: Babylon 5. Great story, tolerable dialogue, insanely poor acting.
Sep 8, 2009 10:53 PM GMT

A scientist just asked me for permission to dissect my brain when I’m dead. This can either be good or bad.
Sep 8, 2009 07:56 PM GMT

:Twitter haiku 182 – “Two thermometers / One rectal and one oral / The difference? The taste.”
Sep 8, 2009 11:42 AM GMT

Change of plans– getting a ride back to Ottawa, so no train-bound mobile office. There goes the promise of labour on Labour Day!
Sep 7, 2009 04:14 PM GMT

I find myself looking forward to a 5 hour hungover train ride to Ottawa this aft. Maybe I’ll get some work done?
Sep 7, 2009 01:47 PM GMT

Seriously drunk off my ass at a gala. Will I say something embarassing? Stay tuned!
Sep 7, 2009 06:09 AM GMT

Maintenant je parle francais avec une jeune fille Indien qui vient de New York. Oui, beaucoup vodka est present. Quel surprise!
Sep 7, 2009 02:27 AM GMT

My NetIP session went great. Thanks to my co-panelists for being superstars.
Sep 6, 2009 04:34 PM GMT

Ali Velshi is giving an entertaining and lucid talk on the economy. Once again, the ADHD NetIP crowd is getting restless.
Sep 5, 2009 05:33 PM GMT

Bob Rae is giving a magnificent firebrand speech at NetIP. Sadly, I don’t think the largely self-centred audience is into it.
Sep 5, 2009 04:57 PM GMT

:Twitter haiku 181 – “Witty entendre / Concerning a foul odour / It was quite pun-gent”
Sep 5, 2009 02:42 PM GMT

OMG a woman in a clothing store actually asked me, “Do I look fat in this?”
Sep 4, 2009 11:14 PM GMT

:Twitter haiku 180 – “Energetic day / Morning jog goes overtime / So I’m running late!”
Sep 4, 2009 01:21 PM GMT

: Off to the woods. No one bug me for 2 days.

:Twitter haiku 179 -“Future arms dealers / Will make switchblades from blood clots / Yes… congealed weapons”
Sep 1, 2009 02:23 AM GMT

:Twitter haiku 178 – “Lumbar adjustment / To create vertebral space / The spinal frontier”
Aug 30, 2009 05:51 PM GM

In the light of sobriety, my new drink “the retardinator” doesn’t sound so appetizing anymore.
Aug 29, 2009 2:46 pm

Ohhhhhh! The hangover!
Aug 29, 2009 Aug 29, 2009

I just invented a new drink – the “retardinator” – rum, soy milk, honey, line juice and brown sugar.
Aug 28, 2009 11:37 pm

Live twittering from my party. What do you want to know?
Aug 28, 2009 6:43 pm

Why does Rogers telemarketing keep calling me when I’m already a customer? Like I need ANOTHER reason to hate them?
Aug 28, 2009 2:58 pm

Got the keys to my new condo. Guess what? THEY DON’T WORK!!
Aug 28, 2009

:Twitter haiku 177 – “Observing night life / Seems douchebags of a feather / Will flock to pleather”
Aug 27, 2009 5:28 am

4:45pm – an episode of Hell’s Kitchen and enjoying a big glass of gin, tonic and grapefruit juice. No burrito, though.
Aug 26, 2009 2:51 pm

:Battling my inner demons again… No wait, they’re just inner zombies. Never mind.
Aug 26, 2009 6:32 am

:Twitter haiku 176 – “My fake wrasslin’ belt / Is sadly made of cardboard / A waist of paper”
Aug 25, 2009 7:44 am

Watching “Dude Where’s My Car” again. The Chinese food bit kills me.
Aug 23, 2009 9:12 pm

Watching 2009 WWE Hall of Fame induction ceremony. Yep, you read that right.
Aug 23, 2009 7:35 pm

:Twitter haiku 175 – “I need a title / For porno set in Oslo / Um… ‘Norwegian Wood’?”
Aug 23, 2009 3:29 pm

Uh-oh… haikus 148 and 172 were pretty much the same 🙁
Aug 23, 2009, 2:06pm
