"Weekly" Twitter Tweets
Weekly Twitter tweets from deonandan, since:2010-01-05
2 lectures down, 1 to go… and it’s only midnight!
Jan 25, 2010 05:00 AM GMT
Anyone looking for an apartment in Toronto? http://tinyurl.com/ya8qu3g (expand)
Jan 24, 2010 11:14 AM GMT
WTF? My dream this morning consisted of the GPS’s verbal instructions as I drove through a German suburb.
Jan 24, 2010 10:46 AM GMT
Just scrubbed my condo from top to bottom. Is your Saturday night as fun as mine?
Jan 24, 2010 02:37 AM GMT
:Twitter haiku 240 – “Polygamous ape / Needs a name for his first wife / How about ‘prime mate’?”
Jan 24, 2010 12:43 AM GMT
(Oops. Guess my comment was so nice, I needed to post it twice!) http://tweetphoto.com/9407233
Jan 23, 2010 10:37 PM GMT
It’s some sort of strange Nordic Michael Jackson homage http://tweetphoto.com/9407233
Jan 23, 2010 10:34 PM GMT
Recovery, thine name be sleep…. sweet, sudden, bacon-induced sleep.
Jan 23, 2010 10:32 PM GMT
Just created the World’s Greatest Omelette… complete with a half pound of bacon!
Jan 23, 2010 07:04 PM GMT
three hours sleep + half litre of sake = good times
Jan 23, 2010 02:09 AM GMT
:Twitter haiku 239 – “Female genitals / Models for new Swiss auto / Behold, the Vulvo!”
Jan 22, 2010 09:58 PM GMT ยท from mobile web ยท Reply ยท View Tweet
I just gave all my shoes to Haiti. Somewhere in the rubble, a Haitian child skips about in my knee-high Doc Martens.
Jan 22, 2010 09:42 PM GMT
Anyone looking for a Toronto-based project management job in mental health? www.tinyurl.com/y9vpdzt (expand)
Jan 22, 2010 06:33 AM GMT
Down to a mere 95 unread messages in my inbox. The goal: zero before going to bed!
Jan 22, 2010 06:05 AM GMT
Yahoo IMAP sucks.
Jan 21, 2010 09:50 PM GMT
Raywat Deonandan attending lecture on fetal alcohol syndrome. i think i need a drink.
Thurs at 11:50
Finished writing my lecture for tomorrow… just in time to get dressed and go give it.
Thurs at 03:43
Heard this on BBC. Real and hilarious: Sleep Talkin’ Man http://www.sleeptalkinman.blogspot.com/
19 January at 17:23
Cadbury Inc’s founder was Eggbert Cadbury. Why does no one else find this hilarious?
19 January at 11:23
In British crime drama, why is everyone always so angry?
18 January at 18:53
Two lectures down, one two hour meeting to go. Cue loopiness…
18 January at 13:27
Done!…Damn, it’s 5:AM ๐
18 January at 04:53
one lecture done, one to go…
18 January at 02:27
Raywat’s Rule #6: when you’re desperately trying to write two lectures for 8:AM, that’s when you spill a bottle of red wine on your new rug.
17 January at 23:04
Just saw “Dr Parnassus”, emphasis on the “ass”
17 January at 18:28
:Twitter haiku 239 – “Lo, Pat Robertson / Master of hate and self-love / You master-hater”
15 January at 18:27
Oooooh. 9:am meeting with chocolates and Jim Bean bourbon. Sometimes being a professor rocks.
15 January at 09:46
A late night snack consisting of chilli, yogurt and maple syrup makes for a very special morning.
15 January at 09:37
Yogurt and maple syrup is a balanced meal, right?
14 January at 21:21
Watching “Steven Seagal: Lawman” – equal parts BS, ego, unintended hilarity and actual undistilled coolness.
14 January at 17:13 ยท
:Twitter haiku 238 – “My shelf stocked with books / Physics, Art, Sci-fi, Humour / The rest is hist’ry”
14 January at 08:12
I don’t wanna write my lecture for tomorrow! I don’t wanna!
13 January at 22:29
The Raywat Singularity: “the point at which one acquires so much work to do, that one cannot do any of it.”
13 January at 08:34
I don’t wanna go to the gym! I don’t wanna!
12 January at 08:16
Washing down the chocolates from Russia with kiwis from, um, Kiwiland.
11 January at 23:01
Just ate six Russian mini-chocolate bars. Six more to go…
11 January at 21:55
An 830am Monday morning class? Someone hates me.
11 January at 10:20
Anyone looking for a Toronto-based writer/researcher job with the YWCA? http://tinyurl.com/yanb2j4
10 January at 23:35
Question for God: why did You make me so darned irresistable to flakey New Age chicks?
10 January at 19:39
:Twitter haiku 237 – “New economy / Markets for soil, mud and dirt / But grime does not pay”
10 January at 09:56
:Twitter haiku 236 – “Swiffer dry or wet? / Can’t decide, but I do know / Vacuum cleaners suck”
09 January at 20:47
The flight attendant’s name is “Wendii” with two i’s. That’s either cute or annoying. Or both.
09 January at 11:53
Sole joy of the early morning flight: being alone in the Ottawa Porter lounge! Yayyy!
09 January at 09:02
-20 and I’m waiting at a bus stop ๐
09 January at 07:58
Today’s 2:AM snack: sauteed chick peas with turmeric, ginger, garlic, black pepper and tomatoes. No bacon ๐
09 January at 02:11
:Twitter haiku 235 – “Acupuncturist / Calls a telephone sex line / ‘Stick it to me, babe!'”
08 January at 19:28
Polka-dot pink! Awwww, I’m too late ๐
08 January at 08:59
Cravings must be appeased. Bring on the midnight bacon!
07 January at 23:46
Because I need to be in the loop: http://bit.ly/5p5IyB
07 January at 19:42
To all of you with colours as your status updates, what’s going on? Me no like being out of the loop! It makes me scared and confused! Wahh!
07 January at 19:34
Note to self: in the future, when changing clothes in my ground-floor office, don’t do so in front of the window.
07 January at 14:17
:Twitter haiku 234 – “New business idea:/ Market surveys by strippers! / Call it ‘poll dancing'”
07 January at 11:33
Great discovery of the day: you can send free international SMS’s through Yahoo messenger!
07 January at 08:01
Uhoh, bad move: still have to write a lecture and yet I popped some muscle relaxants. Gonna be a fun class!
06 January at 22:59
Off to get a haircut. Oh what the heck, I’ll get them ALL cut!
06 January at 11:04
I don’t wanna go to the gym. I don’t wanna!
06 January at 08:19
Watching Bret Hart’s return to WWE Raw. Man, he looks old.
05 January at 19:44
Door-to-door marketer just woke me from a great dream. It was about hockey. I hate hockey. Hey, maybe it wasn’t so great of a dream.
05 January at 19:10
My 16 DVD set of BR Chopra’s “Mahabharata” just arrived. Break out the papadam!
05 January at 12:38