Weekly Twitter Tweets for 2010-08-23
- Damn. Sake for $1. #fb #
- Overheard in Seattle: "Dude, there's like lots of people in China, man. Like 40 million." #fb #
- I will be the victor in the poking wars. Just you wait. #fb #
- My favourite burrito place is closed again. WTF? #fb #
- Let us seal our arrangement with the adding of chocolate to milk #fb #
- indian clothing or western clothing? hmm. #fb #
- NetIP cruise or Harry Potter on TV? I dunno, it's kinda cold outside…. #ni2010 #
- In a city as hilly as Seattle, you'd think it'd be impossible to find fat people…. and yet here they are. #ni2010 #
- In a city as hilly as Seattle, you'd think it'd be impossible to find fat people…. and yet here they are. #fb #
- WTF? My favourite Seattle burrito place is closed early! #fb #
- Oooooh. Seattle is celebrating "hempfest"… #fb #
- The elusive, angry yet alluring "vagina clam", seen in the Aq. last night. OK that wasn't its real name #ni2010 http://twitpic.com/2guvzo #
- a party at the seattle aquarium. very cool indeed. #ni2010 #
- Off to "Drinks Around The World" soon. Something tells me that after the first 6 or so, they will all taste sort of local. #NI2010 #
- ZOMG, it's a whole morning of Steven Seagal direct-to-video movies! #fb #
- D'ohhh! I thought "Washington and Blewett" was a street corner, not a room! Ended up spending the night with some homeless dudes. #NI2010 #
- 7:AM, finished my workout, got Seattle coffee and a breakfast burrito… and there's a Steven Seagal movie on TV! Yeah! #fb #
- I always thought this city was famous for its steak… but only because Seattle rhymes with cattle. My bad. #fb #
- Star Trek: The Menagerie…. remastered! #fb #
- Coffee, grunge, addicts, hookers and excellent burritos. Welcome to Seattle! #fb #
- oh what a surprisem it's raining in Seattle. How… grungey. #fb #
- Seattle bound. #fb #
- The airport Tim Horton's ladies sure are in a good mood at 5:am #fb #
- About to get my 3rd massage of the week… because I deserve it. #fb #
- Eating fresh pepper, tomato and basil from my own garden… Good Zod, I'm a freakin' hippy! #fb #
- :Twitter haiku 277 – "Dentist on the stand / Was told to tell the tooth and / Nothing but the tooth" #fb #