Weekly Twitter Tweets for 2010-11-08
- Today's discovery: a Bloody Caesar is an effective treatment for a migraine. At least for now. #fb #
- You know that you're officially an elitist when the waittress at the French restaurant wants to know who designed your shirt #fb #
- Hmm. Hotel in Hamilton made my receipt out to "Raywag" Deonandan #fb #
- Just learned that my junior high was inspiration for DeGrassi TV show #EarlGreyReunion #fb #
- How sad. There isn't a Twitter hash tag for the #EarlGreyReunion #fb #
- Off to my 29 year junior high school reunion. Egads, I feel old. #fb #
- Attention bloggers who want to be film and/or TV critics: a recap is not a review! #fb #
- About to leave Hamilton. YES! #fb #
- Fawkes off, y'all #fb #
- Reliving my student days with "depth charges" at the McMaster student bar #fb #
- (Rubs eyes in disbelief): Am I really the only man at this conference? #fb #
- In Burlington (ON). F@ck. #fb #
- Pumpkin pie with a glass of soy milk… snack of champions. #fb #
- I don't wanna go to the gym! I don't wanna! #fb #
- Maybe I'm pleasuring myself to your profile photo and maybe I'm not. That's for me to know and for you to worry about. #fb #
- To HSS students who convocated yesterday: Congrats! I'd meant to be there, but my body did not cooperate #fb #