Life In Graphs

Our excellent office administrator shared the following list of sobriquets for famous revolutions.  I thought you’d enjoy them, too.  And she’s Francophone, which is why the list is in French:

–      Révolution orange – Ukraine 2004

–      Révolution des roses – Géorgie 2003

–      Révolution des œillets – Portugal 1974

–      Révolution velours ou révolution douce – Tchécoslovaquie 1989

–      Révolution des tulipes – Kirghizstan 2005

–      Révolution des cèdres – Liban 2005

–      Révolution bleue – Koweït 2005

–      Révolution glorieuse – Angleterre 1688-1689

–      Révolution du jasmin – Tunisie 2011

–      Révolution du papyrus – Égypte 2011

Interesting, no?

Meanwhile, my sister sent me the following graphs, clearly stolen from, which describe all aspects of our lives:
