Weekly Twitter Tweets for 2011-06-13
- Chicken curry, brown rice and 2 episodes of the Avengers: lunch of champions. #fb #
- Hangnail! Waaaaah!! #fb #
- All hail Deonandan! Master of the hangover omelette! #fb #
- About to leave on my first scooter ride of the season. If you don't hear back from me, someone use Google Latitude to find me! #fb #
- A whole day of motorcyele (all right, scooter) maintenance. I feel like a real man, with moobs and all. #fb #
- Why don't Ottawa drivers seem to understand how 4-way stop signs work? #fb #
- Android, Dropbox and my G2 superphone just saved my sweet ass #fb #
- I'm at Desmarais Building – University of Ottawa (55 Laurier Ave E, Nicholas (University of Ottawa), Ottawa) http://4sq.com/lW6ALY #
- At a talk by former Irish President Mary Robinson… but I can barely notice her accent! #fb #
- Having lunch on a patio and a dog just sh*t on the sidewalk next to me…. and the owner didn't scoop! Glad I didn't order the meatballs #fb #
- Things I learned from British TV, part 1: "Where there's muck, there's brass." Seriously, who talks like this? #fb #
- "I don't make the rules, ma'am. I just think them up and write them down." -Eric Cartman #fb #
- 2 hours of Thor followed by 5 episodes of The Avengers and one Ironman comic book. I'd call that a complete evening. #fb #
- Today we mourn the death of Alexander the Great… 2334 years ago this day. #fb #
- RBC, why do you make it so hard to open a business account? You do realize there's a CIBC across the street, right? #fb #
- Colected data, analyzed it, wrote the paper and submitted it to a journal all in one night. Who da man? #fb #
- Today's supercool Google Doodle celebrates Les Paul! #fb #
- Dig that crazy-ass thunder storm! #fb #
- Starting my morning, as always, with chin-ups, coffee, whining, ice packs and ibuprofen. Oh, middle age, you're such a bitch. #fb #
- Just got my student evaluations back. They all played it straight! Not one funny drawing or inappropriate comment! So disappointed. #fb #
- Dear Bank Street Walmart: "Open 24 hours" does NOT mean closed by midnight. Got it? #fb #
- Anybody in Ottawa got a car battery charger I can borrow? #fb #
- Attention airport announcing woman: "momentarily" does not mean what you think it means. #fb #
- The facts regarding Paul Revere's ride: http://bit.ly/lkiGLi #
- About to board my 21st flight of the last 30 days. Airplane thrombosis, here I come! #fb #
- I'm at Airport Ferry to Billy Bishop Toronto City (2 Bathurst St, Toronto) w/ 2 others http://4sq.com/l2LbF9 #
- What's up with all these people begging celebrities for retweets? Very sad. #
- I'm at Sutherland Chan (743 spadina ave, Bloor/spadina, Toronto) http://4sq.com/iKbwUj #
- Downloading a file via torrent on my G2 smartphone. Oh, Android, is there anything you can't do? #fb #
- Reliving undergrad days in Hart House (U of Toronto) cafe. I think those are the same donuts from 20 years ago! #fb #
- I'm at Canadian Tire (65 Dundas St W, at Bay, Toronto) http://4sq.com/mPqI8I #
- I bowl overhand #fb #