Weekly Twitter Tweets for 2011-08-08
- Using "emu oil" soap. How they got the emu to part with his oil, I don't want to know. #fb #
- Time for my 10:30am cold pizza and red wine sprizter #fb #
- Let the weekend of hardcore geekotry begin! #fb #
- Dear Gordon Ramsay: not every one of your ingredients can be "the most amazing." #fb #
- I'm at the loft http://4sq.com/nAlpiY #
- Pasta at 3:AM is NOT the path to fitness #fb #
- Driving to Montreal. No one bug me for the next 2 hours. #fb #
- Just mistook an old Chinese woman for a stuffed animal. Oops. #fb #
- "Your parking ticket has already been paid." Okay, but I never paid it! I think I've found the source of Toronto's budget shortfall #fb #
- I wasn't planning on seeing "The Change-Up". But Roger Ebert just called it vulgar and obscene. So now I HAVE to see it. #fb #
- Secret ingredient to the perfect morning protein shake: blanched, ground almonds. You're welcome. #fb #
- RT @1technodiva: The only good thing to come out of the debt debate is the phrase, "Sugar coated Satan sandwich". #
- Yet another all-nighter, fueled solely by Gordon Ramsay reruns and pitchers of iced green tea #fb #
- :Twitter haiku 300 – "Vegetarian / Devil worshippers will pray / At Seitan's tempeh" #fb #
- 2 hour workout, and now grilling steaks on my roof. Who's procrastinating? #fb #
- I thought "Zumba" was a kids' TV show from the 70s. Or some kind of hovercraft. Or maybe a lesser known pasta. #fb #
- Converting a paper from APA to AMA style is a pain in the ASS. #fb #
- :Twitter haiku 299 – "Vegetarian / Followers of the devil / Seitan worshippers" #fb #
- Let me get this straight… Master Chef is just Hell's Kitchen with less swearing, right? #fb #
- Watching MasterChef… Gordon Ramsay is the NICE judge #fb #
- Just got my teeth whitened. I now glow in the dark. #fb #
- Dear Toronto parking authority: an infraction code that has 2 letters of the alphabet and 6 numerical digits is not an "8 digit number" #fb #
- Starting off my August right with a $30 parking ticket #fb #
- Sitting in a mall parking lot, eating peanuts and listening to Howard Stern: ahhh, my glamorous life. #fb #
- Stop. Hummus time. #fb #