Weekly Twitter Tweets for 2011-09-12
- Second lecture finally done. #fb #
- Because I’m tired of telling people, here’s a list. (Though I’m guilty of the turkey one.) http://t.co/zXWAanu #fb #
- Suicide isn’t funny… but how stupid do you have to be to try to overdose on homeopathic “drugs”? http://t.co/ArwfAZw #fb #
- Tonight’s list of background movies: Office Space, The Special Relationship and The Fog of War #fb #
- “@InjusticeFacts: When you are drinking a cup of Starbucks’ coffee, you are drinking 3 days worth of human labor in the bean farms” #fb #
- And that, my friends, was the last of the procrastination chilli 🙁 #fb #
- One of tomorrow’s lectures written, one more to go… #fb #
- Why is Facebook showing me ads for nail fungus? How did it know? HOW DID IT KNOW?!!! #fb #
- Eating procrastination chilli while watching documentary on fecal water contamination. Mmmmm. #fb #
- http://t.co/v4ibAA3 – PS, double decker, 2 patties, provolone cheese, bacon, a side of coleslaw and poutine. And that’s grilled chees #
- Random fact: in India, there are 15 traffic deaths every hour #fb #
- Just watched “The Special Relationship.” Can anyone suggest any other modern political docu-dramas? #fb #
- http://t.co/v4ibAA3 – Yep, broke all my nutrional rules. Booze will do that to you. #
- Last night’s 2:AM emergency burger #fb http://t.co/v4ibAA3 #
- Uhoh… sniffles #fb #
- I’m at Social Restaurant and Lounge (537 Sussex Drive, Ottawa) http://t.co/S7dRQ3H #
- My review of Torchwood: Miracle Day http://t.co/Irc31Dd #
- :Twitter haiku 303 – “Punjabi porn stars / To specialize in group sex / Call it, ‘gang bhangra'” #fb #
- About to watch the Torchwood finale. Please don’t suck, please don’t suck… #fb #
- Watching “Recount” and still foolishing hoping that Al Gore will win Florida… #fb #
- Dear Porter Air: it’s not a 50% sale if you double your prices first. #fb #
- I refuse to honour any deadlines this week. Take that, world! #fb #
- Hmmm, methinks it’s time for another batch of procrastination chilli… #fb #
- Dear Ottawa drivers: pay attention, you bunch of nimrods! #fb #
- Well no one has Facebooked me in all of 6 minutes. Guess that means i should go home. #fb #
- I’m at Health Services | Services de santé – uOttawa (100 Marie Curie (Office/Bureau 300), King Edward Ave, Ottawa) http://t.co/kjhfL7E #
- Dodging the Shinerama frosh… and realizing i was them exactly 25 years ago! Aieeeee…. #fb #
- ZOMG I just ate WHITE BREAD!! #fb #
- Been ordered by my physiotherapist to not work out for a whole week. Whoohoo! #fb #
- No signs of alien visitation this morning #fb #
- Gotta admit, I enjoyed “Fast Five.” It turned into a heist movie, and The Wat has a weakness for heist movies. #fb #
- Watching “Fast Five” and regretting it #fb #
- Craving a Coke Zero… #fb #
- It’s rooftop steak grillin’ time! #fb #
- Forgot my highschool chemistry…. silver and bleach do not mix! I now have black cutlery. #fb #
- Damn. Got to teach a class in 20 min and I’m still in my pyjamas. #fb #
- Went to bed at 5am, woke up at 9am, and found this mysterious red mark on my floor. Sigh. The aliens are back. #fb http://t.co/8OVNOYA #
- Watching the movie “Recount” and keep mentally deleting the “o” from the title. #fb #
- Watching “Einstein and Eddington”. How much more interesting it must have been to have been a professor circa 1914. #fb #
- Smell that? Fillet of basa grilling in lemon juice, black pepper and thyme. Mind you, I’m going to eat it over the sink in 2 bites… #fb #
- I’m at Desmarais Building | Pavillon Desmarais – uOttawa (55 Laurier Ave E, Nicholas (University of Ottawa), Ottawa) http://t.co/hrYlk1p #
- Hmm. Do i attend the free BBQ with one set of grad students, or the free buffet lunch with the other set of grad students? Decisions… #fb #
- Woke up to find this mysterious object waiting on my floor. I guess the aliens were here again last night. #fb http://t.co/P9Thp8p #
- Inbox down to 69 at last. #fb #
- Inbox holding at 83. Not bad for first week of school. #fb #
- From now on, I will plan all my spontaneity. #fb #
- Smell that? It’s rooftop steak-grillin’ time! #fb #
- “@InjusticeFacts: The French company Suez makes billions of dollars each year by privatizing water and limiting its access by the poor” #fb #
- “@InjusticeFacts: US children have a higher chance of being killed by their own parents than by terrorism.” Cue the War on Parenting! #fb #
- “@InjusticeFacts: Americans who work for Wal-Mart die 6 years younger than the average American.” #fb #
- Polite immigration officials, free wifi, clean airport bathroom…. back in Ottawa! #fb #
- Apparently yesterday was international “Teachers’ Day”. Cool. #fb #
- Zod, I ate fries and white bread last night. FRIES AND WHITE BREAD, DAMN IT! #fb #
- From TV ad: “I found out from my doctor that I have nerves throughout my body that send signals!” I thought it was all done with lasers. #fb #
- I’m at Commissary (1443 P St NW, btw N 14th St & N 15th St, Washington) w/ 2 others http://t.co/W2n6VE7 #
- “@Marleybonez: Humans Had Sex Regularly With Mysterious Extinct Relatives in Africa #Science http://t.co/WdnfpO4" #fb #
- “@InjusticeFacts: If Americans skipped Christmas and donated the money, the $170 billion can be used to wipe out world poverty.” #fb #
- Ahhh, buffet…. my favourite two syllables… #fb #
- I’m at Sheraton Crystal City Hotel (1800 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington) http://t.co/ouo9Hbb #