Weekly Twitter Tweets for 2011-12-19
- This week’s top search term leading people to my science fiction website (http://t.co/u0QeDkFG): “Terra Nova sucks.” #fb #
- This week’s top search term leading people to my blog: “medical school rejection letter.” #fb #
- Words that I live by: “Keep the company of those who seek the truth; run from those who have found it.” RIP Václav Havel #fb #
- Damn it. I still miss the frack out of Stargate. (All of them.) #fb #
- New snack: yogurt and bacon. Yes, that’s right. #fb #
- iPhone makes a Blackberry? #chineseknockoffs #fb http://t.co/Lg6iKaOy #
- Just saw a dude with a Hitler moustache. I guess they’re back. (The moustaches, not the Nazis.) #fb #
- Yet one more paper completed and submitted. #fb #
- There’s an old Chinese woman next to me in the TTC clapping her hands in various directions. Is she expelling foul spirits or just nuts? #fb #
- I’m at Greenwood Station (1177 Danforth Ave, at Greenwood Av, Toronto) http://t.co/AHrbsg1u #
- Dear stats students, only 3 more days of studying left. Mwahahaha. #fb #
- Today is Bradley Manning’s 24th birthday. Get that boy out of prison! #fb #
- Gonna gets me some Pacific Mall. Chinese food and comic books, here I come. #fb #
- Guess who won $200 of spa treatments tonight? Hint: he’s got a green scooter and likes bacon. #fb #
- Fish tacos at Joey’s http://t.co/embdD0hQ #
- Encountering strange fauna in Toronto @twomangoes http://t.co/xHOZVvUp #
- I’m at Joey Eaton Centre w/ @jasbanwait @anjali_handa http://t.co/kmP9TAcH #
- A day before his 24th birthday, Bradley Manning gets his first day in court. Hero, I say. #fb #
- The Munk debate featuring Hitchens and Blair is accessible for FREE for the next 72 hours: http://t.co/5AW40go1 #fb #
- I can’t tell if the dude next to me at Starbucks is farting or if that’s just his foul cologne #fb #
- Starting paper #3 Can I break my record and get 3 out in 24 hrs? Or will the lure of the gin be too strong to resist? #fb #
- Yet another paper completed and submitted. Who da man? #fb #
- “If Falwell had been given an enema, he could have been buried in a matchbox.” ~ Christopher Hitchens #fb #
- There’s a guy in the Eaton Centre hawking “Vagitarian protein juice.” That… doesn’t… sound… right… #fb #
- Another paper completed and submitted. To bed now at 7:45am. YAAWWWN. #fb #
- Who needs a free @Dropbox account? YOU do! http://t.co/dbWIYDo5 #
- I lean to the Left, but Obama bugs the crap out of me http://t.co/W0EOKQJ8 #
- :Twitter haiku 308 – “Dead jazz pianist / Reborn as crooked rodent / Felonious Skunk” #fb #
- Watching in awe as person next to me in subway texts… in Chinese. Just how big is that virtual keyboard? #fb #
- Peter Kent: disingenuous, duplicitous, short-sighted peddlar of our environmental doom. Or, if you prefer, “piece of sh–” #fb #
- Up till 4am creating a stats final exam. A few questions might be… um… stream of conciousness…. #fb #
- 4:AM Star Trek. That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout. #fb #
- “I’m a steam-powered wooden robot, just as nature intended.” -Bender #fb #
- Apparently Scott Baio is NOT dead. In case you were wondering. #fb #
- Just finished Harbourfront Centre program meeting. You Toronto residents need to take more advantage of the free shows at Harbourfront! #fb #
- Dear Justin Trudeau, Peter Kent’s remarks most decidedly make him a fuddle duddle #fb #
- Spicy caesar on the train. And so it begins. http://t.co/PcxnaTOi #
- Another sign of middle age: dropping your phone, reaching down to pick it up… and pulling a muscle. #fb #
- The snack on Via is called “urban mix”. I half expected a bootleg cd. #fb #
- Cripes. The problem with Via One is the large number of self-important business knobs on their cell phones, with no “indoor voice” #fb #
- Enjoying the “Real Time World War II” tweets. Can’t wait to see how it all ends! #fb #
- In the Via first class lounge. Time to compound my sleeplessness with some drunkenness. #fb #
- I propose Julian Assange as Time’s person of the year. #fb #
- After it vanished for about a decade, I’ve heard the word “fillip” used twice already today. #fb #
- “@qikipedia: Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital. AARON LEVENSTEIN (1911-86)” #fb #
- Got a student writing an exam in my office. Need to find somewhere else to nap. Hmm. #fb #
- I’m at Father & Sons (112 1/2 Osgoode St, at King Edward Ave, Ottawa) http://t.co/ey1j375v #
- 2 hour workout at 10pm + all nighter + 1 hour workout at 6am = Ray’s desperate need for carbs, followed by quick unconciousness #fb #
- The new watburger: turkey breast, kale, ginger, garlic, onions, soy sauce, mustard and hot sauce; smushed and grilled. Totally gross. #fb #
- Mr. Obama, you continue to disappoint me http://t.co/lOGROZgT #fb #
- Need more proof that this country is run by irresponsible and scientifically illiterate fucktards? http://t.co/VgufsbnG #fb #
- Just saw an old man in a “Viagra” jacket. That takes balls! HAHAHAHAHA! #fb #
- I forgot I even had a Google Plus account. #fb #
- Off to get a 90 minute massage. Don’t hate. #fb #
- A 15 hour fast followed by toast and home fries is NOT the path to fitness. #fb #
- (I suppose “why are phlebotomists such PRICKS” would have been funnier.) #fb #
- Why are phlebotomists always such dicks? #fb #
- Hmm. Somebody just Googled “giraffe humping donkey” to get to my website. Not good. #fb #