Weekly Twitter Tweets for 2012-01-30
- Just hacked a 12000 word paper down to 3000 words. I feel like I just crapped out a lung and both kidneys. #fb #
- Just realized that “The Starlost” (crappy 70s Canadian SF) was written by the legendary Harlan Ellison. Oh, Harlan. #fb #
- Arrrgh. Two papers rejected within 24 hours of each other. Couldn’t they at least space out the notices? #fb #
- I’m at Hey Lucy (440 Bloor Street West, Howland, Toronto) http://t.co/6fLoOAnz #
- Porter Air, usually you’re great. But today your staff are just effin’ idiots. #fb #
- Inbox down to 90. Time for a bottle of wine and a nap. Oh crap, I have to get to the airport… #fb #
- Did a manuscript search for housing studies in Chad… and got one about nomadic surfers in California. Yep, one was named Chad. #fb #
- Four more reference letters done. At this point, I’m referring to everyone as, “Sparky.” #fb #
- One grant application completed and submitted… before noon! #fb #
- Top search term driving people to my science fiction website (http://t.co/u0QeDkFG) is still “Terra Nova sucks” #fb #
- 8 more reference letters done, and it’s only 10AM #fb #
- This week’s top search terms driving people to my blog: “shtupper”, “emo bitch” and “gay cats” #fb #
- Didn’t Dumbledore defeat Grimbergen to win the Elder wand? #fb http://t.co/wENaIEUG #
- Fettuccine Bolognese and a whole bottle of wine. And when the tipsy hits, time to write some reference letters… #fb #
- One more paper completed and submitted #fb #
- Had a steak, took a nap. Woke up, had another steak. I detect a pattern here. #fb #
- (When typing “grilling steaks on the roof”, Android autocorrected “roof” to “typhoid.” Hmm. ) #fb #
- Grilling steaks on the roof #fb #
- Just downloaded all 48GB of the Babylon 5 saga. Guess how I’m spending this evening? #fb #
- I’m having nachos and cheese. Hold the nachos. #fb #
- Nachos is a balanced meal, right? #fb #
- Yo, suits, instead of, “at this time,” how about you just say, “now”? #fb #
- 6:AM fire alarm while I’m pulling an all-nighter. So I’m now working from McDonald’s. Sigh. #fb #
- I think I’m the only one who gets midnight bok choi cravings. #fb #
- Crampons and tampons are interchangeable #FactsWithoutWikipedia #fb #
- What do we want?! “Gradual change!” When do we want it?! “Incrementally!” #billmaher #fb #
- Here’s proof. I’m on the Hogwarts Express! #fb http://t.co/E6R04MYg #
- Nerdy bespectacled and uniformed private school kids on the train with me. ZOMG! It’s the Hogwarts Express! #fb #
- :Twitter haiku 314 – “Desi kangaroo / Taught to sell tea on the streets / A chai wallahby” #fb #
- Thank you, Union Station, for bathrooms that make me think I’m back in India. #fb #