Weekly Twitter Tweets for 2012-02-06
- To whoever left the Shatner book in my office mailbox: thanks, but you’re still not getting that A+ #fb #
- Dammit! I’m craving 1:AM Indian take-out again. #fb #
- My surrogacy feature is now available in a more accessible format: http://t.co/cnnn9gFx #fb #
- Indigo describes my novel: “As a guerrilla war rages aross the Zimbabwe countryside, a young woman finds refuge” Uh, that’s not my book #fb #
- “I don’t think the half-time entertainer should ever be older than the Superbowl itself.” -Piers Morgan #fb #
- I found a way to get tipsy from pasta sauce. #fb #
- Sigh. Six more reference letters done. Is grad school application season over yet?!! #fb #
- So will someone please tell me when this football thing is over? #fb #
- Here’s the problem with Ottawa: nowhere to get Indian take-out at 3:AM #fb #
- Condit totally deserved that win #ufc143 #
- Wow. Jousting is now a 21st century sport. The world truly is out of new ideas. #fb #
- I think I’m officially a bok choi addict #fb #
- Just to be different, I’m calling it Condit in round 3 by TKO #ufc143 #fb #
- Yep, another paper submitted #fb #
- Ain’t nothin’ like late night, drunken pizza #fb #
- Why do I have a LinkedIn account again? #fb #
- I’m at Shanghai Restaurant (651 Somerset Street West, Ottawa) http://t.co/rldApvJj #
- Just opened junk mail that began, “Ray, I’m guess you, like millions of other older men…” AUUUGHHHH!!!! #fb #
- Any epidemiologists looking for a job in Toronto? Here’s one: http://t.co/gzZV6A4A #fb #
- Getting all spa’d out today. Shut up. I deserve it. #fb #
- One paper rejected, one paper accepted for publication. Starting out the day even. #fb #
- This month is the 100th anniversary of Edgar Rice Burrough’s first publication #fb #
- Just cooked with a whole bottle of wine. I like that I can get tipsy from eating pasta. #fb #
- The Politicization of Science — trying to keep some of my older articles in circulation š http://t.co/IAIlJGvj #fb #
- My latest on Indian maternal surrogacy, the cover story of “India Currents” magazine (Access embedded document reader) http://t.co/lhOZqovN #
- Well…. fuck. http://t.co/dsVDtosT #fb #
- 2 pitchers of beer, one paper submitted, one grant application submitted, 2 hours of sleep, and now the work day begins…#fb #
- Scrambled egg and bok choi — not my best idea #fb #
- One more paper completed and submitted. #fb #
- Things I have learned today: The Lancet enforces the Oxford comma. #fb #
- Hallelujah! Got my paper to exactly 300 words. #fb #
- Still need to knock 73 words out of my manuscript. Sigh. Time to remove the profanity… #fb #
- :Twitter haiku 315 – “When Harry Potter / Forgot to wear a condom / Genital Hogwarts” #fb #
- It’s true. I am indeed that man from Nantucket. #fb #
- After chopping 9000 words out of an overlong paper, I’m struggling to carve out the last 100. #fb #
- I’m at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport (YTZ) (Toronto Island, Toronto) w/ 4 others http://t.co/0oRlJNbw #