Weekly Twitter Tweets for 2012-03-05
- Closing in on 5000 tweets. This one helps. #fb #
- Back in Ottawa, finding it 1000 degrees colder than Toronto. In case you didn't know. Yes, 1000 degrees. #fb #
- When will I learn not to mix drinks on the train? Arriving in Ottawa with a premature hangover… #fb #
- Everyone appears to be getting off at Kingston. What do they know that I don't? #fb #
- Bring on the cognac! #fb #
- No, large-ass person, don't sit next to me… keep on walking.. keep on walking… that's right. #fb #
- Whoa. That's one spicy caesar! #fb #
- On Via 648 to Ottawa –business class, of course. Anybody else here? (Economy class plebes need not respond.) #fb #
- Where can I listen to the audio podcast from "Comic Book Men"? Google is no help. #fb #
- At Union station's new business class Panorama Lounge. So far, so good. Still waiting to see how they board us from here. #fb #
- I'm at Union Station (65 Front St W, at Bay St, Toronto) w/ 7 others http://t.co/LWJnB7wC #
- Chicken curry for breakfast: that's why I spend weekends with the parents. #fb #
- That's right, byatches: poutine with butter chicken. (At Park Hyatt bar with two hot women.) #fb http://t.co/7b4G2Vtd #
- Bah #
- A new low in boredom: striking up a conversation with the comic book vendor about his mobile phone. Jeebus, I need a life. #fb #
- Am in downtown Toronto with a couple of hours to kill. Who wants to entertain me? #fb #
- I'm at Shoppers World (3003 Danforth Ave, at Victoria Park Ave, Toronto) http://t.co/MgszTQmg #
- Watching "The Godfather" never gets old. #fb #
- Their senses are bright / There, their senses are quite bright / They're bright, their senses #grammarday #
- I'm at Fran's (200 Victoria St, at Shuter St, Toronto) w/ 2 others http://t.co/ay6C9kZD #
- I'm in Toronto. If anyone needs me, call Toronto. Not Scarborough. Not Mississauga. Toronto. #fb #
- I'm bored on the train. Entertain me, Facebook and Twitterverse! #fb #
- I be hypmotized #
- On via 41 to Toronto. I can already see that no one else is here. #fb #
- "I don't know about worldly things like taco meat or having all your fingers." #fb #
- "Snookie Pregnant? Hey, Rick Santorum, bet this changes your mind about contraception!" -Bill Maher #fb #
- Is Jeff Sachs seriously campaigning for the World Bank presidency? http://t.co/QK0Jje7N #fb #
- Apparently I gots "killa swag". Despite the name, I hope it's not terminal. #fb #
- Andrew Breitbart is dead?!!! #fb #
- Twitter is all about making up hash tags #likethisone #
- Why is Ron Christie on my TV screen? Begone, foul thing! #fb #
- Uhoh. Just got hit with a bok choi craving. #fb #
- Sadly, "Robocall" is not a new Paul Verhoeven fim. #fb #
- 5:AM train to Toronto? When did I agree to that? #fb #
- Double dumb-ass on you. (Yeah, I'm bringing that one back.) #fb #
- How did I get on Nancy Pelosi's mailing list? #fb #
- People, "fewer" is for counting quanta, "less" is not. So, it's "fewer people" and "less water". I cringe when I see "8 items or LESS" #fb #
- Dammit! I was thinking of doing this study! http://t.co/52UIUzLU #fb #
- Haha. @sunshineofjoy wasted her 300th tweet on me! #
- Whoa. The scale of the Universe: http://t.co/ozIAfGmt #
- "We came into the backyard of one my opponents." -Rick Santorum. Sigh. He really needs to Google his name. #fb #
- Currently following 420 people on Twitter. Not sure why that number resonates with me. #fb #
- Sad day. Davy Jones is dead. But now David Bowie can have his name back. http://t.co/jxQB3u5b #fb #
- "In a survey of the most evil governments, 94% voted for either the USA, Israel, China or Saudi Arabia." Harper is keeping a low profile #fb #
- It's creepily exciting watching the roots grow in my thyme plant. #fb http://t.co/WLQDzb7D #
- Anyone remember "Tin Man" from Star Trek:TNG? #fb http://t.co/16fqUsi2 #
- Didn't Grimbergen fight Dumbledore for the Elder Wand? #fb http://t.co/2LL4f90E #
- "A survey of affluent European-Americans found 80% prefer to have an affluent European-American neighbor." I prefer a curvy, nubile neighbor #
- Ever follow a celebrity on Twiiter, only to discover it's just some dude with the same name as Englebert Humperdink? #fb #
- "@commentisfree: Facebook has taken down our photos of women breastfeeding, with a stern warning about standards! https://t.co/z5DhcBM9" WTF #
- Wow. The number of fake porn accounts following me on Twitter just doubled. What did I say to make that happen? How can I do it again? #fb #
- If you haven't been following the Stratfor/Wikileaks debacle, please do. It's nice to see those Stratfor gorillas for who they are #fb #
- "@ACwebSaver: Promo Code LEAP29: 20% off select cities within Western Canada for March travel. Book by Mar 4 http://t.co/BrOCGBUh" #
- This tweet has no purpose. #
- Two hours sleep, Apocalyptic dreams, no workout, McDonald's breakfast. It's going to be one of THOSE days. #fb #
- Yo, followers. I need more Dropbox space. So if you haven't already, get this frakking amazing piece of software. Go. http://t.co/dbWIYDo5 #
- Had a weird dream which Ottawa had been bombed by terrorists and Bill Maher had kids. It was the second part that confused me. #fb #
- Following the Pope (yes, that Pope) on Twitter. Waiting for his first "ROTFLMAO". #fb #
- 47d36'0"N 3d32'0"E (or 47.6, 3.5333). Thank you, @CigaretsChill. The rest of you, you're welcome. #fb #
- Old people and debit payment machines don't mix #grocerystorelineup #fb #
- I constantly misread the word "onus" as "anus". I can't be alone in that. I guess the anus is on me to find out. #fb #
- Off to talk to high school students about careers in science. Which fake accent should I use? #fb #
- Note to self: protein powder is not a milk substitute #fb #
- Here's an idea: AC outlets in toilet stalls, so I charge my smartphone while I, um, tweet. #fb #
- Weird. At a conference of 1000 people, I'm trading twitter barbs with a stranger… who ends up being the dude sitting next to me! #fb #
- Herjavec looks like a cross between Robin Williams and Bono. (And I mean that in the nicest way possible.) #ciraif #
- weird watching a room of 400 people watch my ludicrous tweets on the big screen #ciraif #
- Robert Herjavec: "the dominance of porn on the internet is over." NOOOOO! #CIRAif #fb #
- According to Herjavec, 13.5% of Africans have internet access #ciraif #fb #
- My favourite shark/dragon Robert Herjavec at #CIRAif #fb http://t.co/k7952WwR #
- #CIRAif has too many well-dressed, socially labile attendees. Where's the awkward geek factor? #
- I love conferences about social media. I never know whether to listen to the speaker or read my Twitter feed. #CIRAif #fb #
- Back at #CIRAif with my power cord… but, dammit, someone stole my seat! #
- Okay, heading back to #CIRAif with power cord. Don't let Herjavec start without me! #
- I'm enjoying all the on-topic Tweets. But there aren't enough snarky comments or geeky jokes. #CIRAif #
- What did people do at conferences before Twitter? #CIRAif #
- Break time. Gonna take this opportunity to run home and get my recharging cord! #CIRAif #
- Damn. Should have brought my power cord. 'Droid almost out of juice from all the tweeting! #CIRAif #
- In the room, it seems that Blackberries outnumber iPhones which outnumber tablets. Don't see any netbooks. #CIRAif #
- Always nice when someone realizes the plural of "forum" is "fora" #CIRAif #
- Oh look, my tweets are on the big screen #CIRAif #
- One of those rare meetings where it's not rude to be buried in your smartphone #CIRAif #
- Oh look, there's Michael Geist #CIRAif #
- At the Canadian Internet Forum to see my favourite dragon/shark, Robert Herjavic. And for the free lunch. #CIRAif #fb #
- Am @ the Canadian Internet Forum. Mostly for the free snacks. #fb #