Weekly Twitter Tweets for 2012-04-16
- Using my Kinder Surprises as D&D figurines #ffb http://t.co/W6eOHnHr #
- This is not what it looks like. (Sadly.) #fb http://t.co/KTIKp1eR #
- Forgot I was cat-sitting. Scared me half to death when I opened the closet door. #fb http://t.co/upkbNeQs #
- Getting out my figurines and 20-sided dice. You know how this afternoon will be spent… #geekalert #fb #
- Always a special joy when your server is a former student #revengetimeforwhom #fb #
- Condo is spotless. You know what that means… #fb #
- My fave song from the greatest rock album ever recorded –even tried playing it on sitar! http://t.co/6aXgbDex #ziggy_40th_anniversary #fb #
- best comment: "Why can't more people be this wonderful? he doesn't make it look hard" http://t.co/3WwRVFOl #ziggy_40th_anniversary #fb #
- Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the greatest rock album ever recorded http://t.co/DqWi83n5 #fb #
- Re-watching David Bowie's 1976 interview by Russell Harty. The latter was such an unbearable ass. #fb #
- They make what now??? http://t.co/dDa6mQls #fb #
- Latest spam comment on my blog: "I hear you that horrible sound it make you will never forget. I feel for all the people in OK." #fb #
- I think jousting might have been the NASCAR of its day #fb #
- Standard Saturday morning: peanut butter, bacon, sit-ups, and Mythbusters re-runs. #fb #
- The accents on the UK Apprentice are increasingly indiscernible. #fb #
- *hic* #fb #
- I'm at Lieutenant's Pump (Ottawa, ON) http://t.co/K8X8SKyv #
- Best comment: "she is so homeschooled it hurts." http://t.co/RhjIcdxg #
- Yes, this is what I grew up on. http://t.co/jGPUMvhO #
- Funny how my travel grant to India is half the size of my travel grant to London, Ontario. #fb #
- Triple-stacked Reuben, greasy fries, gravy and diet Coke…. *groan*… what was I thinking? #fb #
- Yes, I attended circus school #fb #
- I'm at Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier International Airport (YOW) (Ottawa, ON) w/ 3 others http://t.co/Vwg2X7O3 #
- Yes, I'm on an airplane on Friday the 13th. What of it? #maybeanironicfinaltweet #fb #
- Someone just found my website by Googling "busty wrestle babes." My parents must be so proud. #fb #
- Protest on Queen St. Not sure against what. http://t.co/x82IQpaN #
- I neglected to note yesterday's 51st anniversary of manned spaceflight (and the 31st anniversary of the first shuttle mission). #fb #
- I'm at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport Ferry (Toronto, ON) http://t.co/LrETgzaL #
- Damn, Toronto, when did all these burrito places pop up? #fb #
- I'm at Chapters (Toronto, ON) http://t.co/Uaeih74D #
- George Soros: "Whether or not the euro endures, Europe is facing a long period of economic stagnation or worse." http://t.co/y5A6MPkJ. #fb #
- I'm at The Office Pub (Toronto, ON) w/ 3 others http://t.co/O1vTtwVI #
- I bought this a few years ago. Definitely worth it: http://t.co/cBv84UcF #fb #
- What exactly is in that Swiss Chalet dipping sauce? Anything toxic I should know about? #fb #
- Nothing says "good morning" quite like a dead spider in your protein shake #fb #
- I'm at Art Gallery of Ontario (Toronto, ON) w/ 2 others http://t.co/kY3aLCHB #
- Am eating a burrito, alone in a parked car in downtown Toronto at 10pm on a weeknight. Is that cool or sad? #fb #
- Finally getting my Burrito Boyz burrito. Yummmm…. #fb #
- I'm at Burrito Boyz (Toronto, ON) http://t.co/lS81Acj5 #
- Aw geez. Just told a 10 minute joke on stage and no one laughed. #bombed #
- I'm at Brazen Head Irish Pub (Toronto, ON) http://t.co/ivHZzGKc #
- If I didn't know any better, I'd think this was a sad, sad, stand-up comedy routine http://t.co/zd8UMdgx #fb #
- On Porter 280 to Toronto. Anyone else here? Never mind. Leave me alone. #fb #
- Of sure, NOW the world discovers books about Guyana http://t.co/FmRNGHIJ #fb #
- I've beaten the inbox down to 55. Let's see how long that lasts. #fb #
- A little geekily excited about the new Vrtucar electric vehicle… #fb #
- Always love it when PorterAir lets me on an earlier flight with no charge #fb #
- Oh that moment of temptation when you discover someone hasn't logged out their gmail on a public computer… #fb #
- Off to the airport. No one bug me for another hour or two. Deal? #fb #
- NEVER agree to those credit card balance protection plans. Trying to cancel it is always a nightmare. #fb #
- It's now confirmed that I'm headed to India again this summer to give a couple of lectures. Who wants to come with me? #fb #
- Downloaded "crowd-funded" SF series "L5". This is the future of entertainment financing… http://t.co/ftadzVgp #fb #
- Cab driver: "What do you do?" Me: "Scientist." Driver: "Oh you're one of them smart guys." (Looks at me.) "Sure don't look like it." #fb #
- The latest development in organ tourism http://t.co/cELdjWhI #
- Awkward. http://t.co/2tGutQYP #
- I do not recommend expired chewable Gravol #fb #
- For those wondering, I'm not responding to any serious emails or texts or messages until this frivolous long weekend is over. #fb #
- The evolution of Lindsay Lohan. Aieee…. http://t.co/QPbRoSGH #
- How about one year, just one year, without any movies, TV shows or books about vampires or zombies? Please? #fb #