Weekly Twitter Tweets for 2012-06-25

  • We all need to pay more attention to Ted Schrecker http://t.co/b3qar4Ah #fb #
  • Just sayin'. http://t.co/xEwZZX2Y #fb #
  • Whoa, just realized I missed the 20 year anniversary of when I applied to be an astronaut: http://t.co/7INgaW81 #fb #
  • This, we always suspected http://t.co/ZGtY2bZb #fb #
  • Anyone need a ride from Toronto to Ottawa tomorrow morning? (Only people I actually know, please. No friends of friends.) #fb #
  • "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" for goats: http://t.co/Kh5MiMFQ #familyguy #fb #
  • Fascinating. Almost all the recent traffic on my science fiction site (http://t.co/u0Qa5Kww) has been people seeking info on Babylon 5 #fb #
  • Just realized today is Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day. So, um, how am I supposed to celebrate? #fb #
  • Today I returned all my saved up Facebook pokes. It's like I unleashed an artillery barrage of pokes. That's how awesome I am. #fb #
  • Is it just me, or is anyone else really sleepy today? #fb #
  • I'm at Dawes Rd. (9 Dawes rd, Dawes Rd. And Danforth, Toronto) http://t.co/e1NuggiP #
  • Toronto, bitches #fb #
  • Man, these On Route stations have some wicked fast wifi #fb #
  • I think another team got disqualified. We're not the last! We're not the last! We're not the last! #dragonboat #fb #
  • Skipped McD's and had nuts, and orange and coconut water. Being healthy sucks. #fb #
  • Burrito line is too long, but I'm in between a McDonald's and Tim Horton's. Must… fight… temptation…. #fb #
  • Ottawa sure is purdy in summertime #hogsbackfalls #fb #
  • I'm at Rideau Canoe Club (804 Hog's Back Road, Ottawa) http://t.co/JZrnGtdH #
  • To whoever knocked over my scooter in the garage and didn't tell me about it: frack you. #fb #
  • Public health job in Ottawa area: http://t.co/wXZptcMg #fb #
  • Public health job in London (Ont) area: http://t.co/cxqNPd5w #fb #
  • Job opp: health promoter in Toronto area http://t.co/qWPfrIhr #fb #
  • Job opp: health promotion in Ontario http://t.co/EenMLUZ9 #fb #
  • Job opp: another public health nurse in Toronto area http://t.co/dZPuflsC #fb #
  • Job opp: public health nurse in Toronto area http://t.co/bqYivCiD #fb #
  • As a friend is fond of saying, "the kids are NOT all right." http://t.co/UEUSzNSL #fb #
  • Ottawa, bitches. #fb #
  • Man, Toronto drivers are jerks #fb #
  • With Dr Thibeault at Dean's party. Dr Jutai wins the caption contest: "OK. Im ready. Cough it up. Ill catch it and http://t.co/HN6GAexV #
  • What's with all the hipsters in Toronto riding fixies? #fb #
  • Daily 19k federal employees call in sick. In my 29 years of employment, I've taken a total of 6 sick days. : http://t.co/iU8wL8ze". #fb #
  • Just ran 4k in a furnace. Not sure if this is supposed to be good for me. #fb #
  • Someone just found my blog by Googling, "guido wallpaper." Why would someone do that? #fb #
  • This accurately summarizes the android in "Prometheus": http://t.co/lOHLYaFk #fb #
  • Waiting for Via train 51 (business class, of course) to Toronto. Anyone else here? #fb #
  • I'm at VIA Rail (200 Tremblay Rd, Ottawa) http://t.co/zDVUo714 #
  • Yep. Socks and sandals. Deal with it. #fb #
  • Great entertainment #forum12 http://t.co/dVg0BJiW #
  • Love this slide. Need a copy. #forum12 http://t.co/Ud27Io7B #
  • Need to get a copy of David Phipps's slide showing bureaucratic nature of US health system #forum12 #
  • David Phipps is immensely entertaining #forum12 #
  • Excellent soup! #forum12 #
  • I'm impressed by the logistic triumph of live skyping into the Manchester event #forum12 #
  • Dammit, Peter, you caught me in mid-tweet! #forum12 #
  • One of the presentations in my session #forum12 http://t.co/SiWyStfM #
  • Looks like hash tag for this conf just changed from #kmb12 to #forum12 #
  • At Canadian Knowledge Mobilization Forum in Ottawa #kmb12 #
  • Blow job: http://t.co/jKOZWdFv #
  • Waiting for Pemma (@ Hilton Garden Inn) http://t.co/TEmulZ5C #
  • I know I lost weight 'cause I just stepped on bubble wrap and nothing happened. #fb #
  • Reminder: Syrian human rights activist Catherine Altalli will speak at U of O this afternoon at 2pm: http://t.co/6BKwuDZs #fb #
  • Job opportunity in Mozambique for someone with serious health promotion background: http://t.co/ZJbZrVOQ #fb #
  • Greece's woes due to Europe's arrogance in making a single currency work without a single government http://t.co/rIqEhdPM #fb #
  • "We've heard about what's wrong with [Greece]… the origins of this disaster lie farther north, in Brussels…" http://t.co/BwqGOdLu #fb #
  • Things I learned today: Brits spell "furor" as "furore"… and even pronounce the last syllable! I like it http://t.co/8L9TucfR #grammar #fb #
  • :Twitter haiku 326 – "My hypothesis: / India birthed first stoners / The big bhang theory" #fb #
  • Someone just found my blog by Googling, "inflamed foreskin." #fb #