Weekly Twitter Tweets for 2012-09-10

  • NBC's very first news report on AIDS http://t.co/hsdqjU7P #history #fb #
  • Not sure if this is artistic or just creepy http://t.co/YuuDIcBS #fb #
  • Interesting: Canadian essay competition on international affairs http://t.co/cCPfqjLu #fb #
  • Pork loin, cous cous, roasted red onions and babaganoush… #fb http://t.co/oZSSVuOf #
  • Just read an article about semen by the Mayo Clinic. Semen. Mayo. Hee hee. #fb #
  • I suspect that Christine O'Donnell may be the dumbest non-entertainer to ever appear on my TV screen. #fb #
  • It's not a proper chilly, Saturday night at home without Chinese take-out! #fb #
  • Why is he staring at us? #fb http://t.co/ksIItnAV #
  • Carby breakfast at the Barley Mow #fb http://t.co/2qaeDOnR #
  • "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume III: Century" has well and truly blown my little mind. #fb #
  • I hereby proclaim today's Google Doodle as THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME #fb #
  • This was the very first punk band to release an album. By 1985, they were making… um… this… http://t.co/e01naRNU #fb #
  • Expendables 2. Hilarious. http://t.co/mtNw2ahH #fb #
  • Thor and Loki therapy session http://t.co/s2RUInXi #
  • To those to whom I owe stuff (letters, critiques, etc) I haven't forgotten you. Only now catching up on stuff… #fb #
  • Looking for this for a while: David Bowie on SNL in 1979 with the late great Klaus Nomi http://t.co/7YcjGS1Y #fb #
  • Celebrities who vote Republican. Most are predictable. But Et Tu, Buffy? And LL Cool J??? http://t.co/gHabrpp5 #fb #
  • Dear DNC, this is not the kind of PR you need. http://t.co/JpKU3yOf #fb #
  • Soooo… did Obama win the nomination or what? No one's saying. #fb #
  • Slow internet tonight. My porn is taking forever to download! I mean… my online data collection system is sluggish. Yeah. #whathesaid #fb #
  • Watching DNC official youtube feed. After Obama's erudite speech, my brain was fried by Kal Penn's puerile shining mug. #fb #
  • How did people watch political conventions before Twitter? #darkages #fb #
  • Kinda weird reading tweets about #DNC2012 seconds before I actually see the speech on delayed web streaming #fb #
  • Did Biden say Obama has "a backbone like a rerun?" Did I hear that right? What's that supposed to mean? #fb #
  • Sorry, but what I got from Joe Biden is that the Democrats are more warmongering than the Republicans. Not the message I want to hear. #fb #
  • Oh, Joe Biden, leave the jingoism for the other party, please. #dnc2012 #fb #
  • First lecture of the new semester is officially done. That was fun! #fb #
  • "What new idea do we bring to Washington? Arithmetic!" -Bill Clinton #fb #
  • Enjoying a drunken overdose of Datarock. Who doesn't like Norwegian pop music? #fb #
  • Zod dammit, I miss Bill Clinton. Can we get him to be President of Canada? #fb #
  • Wow, just found this ad for my very first public appearance in Ottawa, 8 years ago. https://t.co/bNDHsFPe #fb #
  • Someone just found my blog by Googling, " obscene optical illusions" #fb #
  • drinking + tweeting = regrets #fb #
  • One of my bots just found an article from Jan/2011 that quotes me. Would have been nice to know at the time. http://t.co/uBEYehvE #fb #
  • The movement towards re-usable products has gone too far http://t.co/mFzF0YfQ #fb #
  • Just got quoted in OpenFile, a community news service: http://t.co/23wRiXIu #fb #
  • I've been living on this loose tea brought from Sri Lanka by a former student. Man, this shit is STRONG! #
  • Ooooo. Et il ya une version française! http://t.co/Byizi46a #fb #
  • More fuel for my plan to spread my genes when I'm 95 http://t.co/1DItaDiB #fb #
  • Few words describe not sleeping for 2 days, preparing tenure application, only to watch someone spill H20 on it after you've submitted #fb #
  • My blog post on the UOttawa website is now live: http://t.co/fpjcNqJw #
  • Has anybody else been having problems uploading your @gchallenges applications, or is it just me and my wonky machines? #
  • The least intimidating comic book villains ever #fb http://t.co/klSq06Pa #
  • Captain America commands you to wank. #fb http://t.co/lQ7HPRrN #
  • Organic foods NOT more nutritious than non. (Though they have less pesticide.) http://t.co/XGcpSdeE #fb #
  • Beware the Raywat infection, bitches. http://t.co/WitFUTHS #
  • Apparently there's a guy walking around Ottawa who looks just like me. The lucky, handsome bastard. #fb #
  • Just read that 9/10 billionaires are porn addicts. Guess I'm gonna be rich! #badscience #fb #
  • First day of classes for our new grad program. Look at all the hopeful, cheery faces! How long before they turn to tears? MWAHAHAHAA…. #fb #
  • Look at that. First day of classes and someone has already stolen my bicycle… right out of the garage. #fb #
  • Awwww. Sad thatMichael Clarke Duncan dies at 54. Saddest part was that his last days were filled with Omarosa. http://t.co/qafUhiKA #fb #
  • You know you need more sleep when you fill the espresso machine with tea. #fb #
  • Still weirded out cooking with vegetables I grew myself. I mean, I pulled these guys out of the DIRT! #fb #
  • Of course, they day when some of the most important things in my career are due is the day when my main computer won't boot up… #fb #