Long time readers of this blog (which is now twenty-two years old!!!) will know that the first post of every year I reserve for maudlin reflections on the things I was thankful for in the previous year. So let’s get to it.
In 2014, I was thankful for…
- Having the opportunity to do a job that I truly love. Who knew that being an educator could be so fulfilling and fun? I sure didn’t. It’s unclear how much longer I will be permitted to do this particular job. But while I am, I intend to continue to enjoy every second of it. Do I like my students? I adore the fuckers, I really do. It’s a gift to be able to daily enjoy the company of young people in the flower of their early adulthood.
- Having a mostly healthy and happy family. While they sure infuriate me regularly, there’s no denying that having family is better than not having family. So we should try our best to cherish them while we still have them. Several people close to me lost family members this year, something we will all one day experience; so let’s not take any of them for granted while they are still around.
- The continued affections of a particular young woman.
- The new affections of a particular canine quadruped.
- Living in a time of wonders. It really is. Stop and think about it. I’m sitting in my parents’ house, in my pyjamas at 4pm, writing on a machine that will automatically (and freely) share my words to the rest of the world. I can access all my friends instantly, no matter where they are in the world, on a website called Facebook, and have a socially fulfilling day without having to brave the cold or expend a dime. An age of miracles, surely.
Now, in last year’s first post, I alluded to a big announcement for the coming year. That particular news did not transpire, so put that out of your minds for the moment. Instead, this year I’m trying out a few new online activities.
First is the launch of my new electronic publishing imprint, Intanjible. The word comes from “Tanj”, which is an old science-fiction expletive acronym for “They’re Ain’t No Justice.” Through Intanjible Publishing (which I will likely rename Intanjible Press in coming months), I am re-publishing my old books whose publication rights have magically been returned to me, as well as putting out a couple of new titles, all to be sold as downloadable ebooks or print-on-demand.
First in the list is my very first book, the award-winning Sweet Like Saltwater, which went out of print last year, and whose rights were returned to me by the very excellent original publisher, TSAR Books.
In celebration, I am offering a SPECIAL PROMOTION. For this day only, until 11:59pm Jan 1, 2015, anyone may download a free copy of Sweet Like Saltwater by visiting Amazon.com.
(If you don’t have a Kindle, don’t worry. You can read the book on any Kindle app, freely downloadable onto any Android or iOS device. Or use the free Amazon cloud reader.)
I get no money from this. This is strictly a celebration of the freedom to publish and share. Already, the download rate has jumped from one paid download (yesterday) to 25 free downloads (so far today):
In addition, I will be selling off the remaindered stock of the now out-of-print 1999 edition, at a discounted price, with free worldwide shipping. For details go here.
So happy reading and happy 2015!