Ma, They Took My Teef! My Teef!

This is what happens when I try to get ahead of my workload. I’m scheduled to give a talk in Ottawa at the end of March, so decided to save some time and money by booking my hotel room for that stint today, and using my favourite app,, to do so. I booked a lovely suite, using the special non-refundable price.

Except then I noticed that I had already booked a hotel room for that same trip, also using a special non-refundable price.

Shit. I now have two hotel rooms, both pre-paid and non-refundable, for the same trip. I’m on the phone now with, trying to weasel out of my own mistake.  Sheesh.

In other news, here’s a pic of where the Blonde One and I were exactly one year ago today:

Cuba, 2018

And tomorrow morning, right on schedule, we are headed to Nassau, The Bahamas! No horses, this time. At least not for me.

The sad part is that The Fuzzy One will not be coming, of course. He’s asleep next to me right now and I can’t get over the guilt of leaving him for a week, especially after having had to subject him to oral surgery just last week. Here’s a pic of one of his tooth x-rays before surgery:

The poor guy had deep pus-filled abscesses. We feel guilty that we didn’t pay enough attention to his oral care as much as we should have. But in our defence, poodles are notorious for having horrible, easily infected teeth. In the end, he had to have EIGHT teef removed. Here they are:

He was so brave that they gave him a certificate of courage:

But I can’t shake the feeling that he trusts me just a little less now. Here he is right after his ordeal, still stoned out of his gourd:

Stoned Dogulus

Here is a brief clip of him just being released to us after his surgery. Poor guy is confused and frantic:

And here is his after we got him home. Just stoned and out of it:

He’s fine now, though still a little… off. The worst part for me, frankly, were the uncomfortable groaning noises he made for a day after surgery. Poor little guy.

Those Meals

What’s more exciting than the cheap-ass meals of a middle aged vegan?  Nothing!

Feb 15, 2019 – Avocado sushi, tofu & red pepper scramble. (My stress meal as I waited my Furry Son to get out of surgery).

Feb 17, 2019 – Peanut & lettuce salad; corn flakes with apple and almond milk; peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Feb 18, 2019 – Vegan fake chicken cutlets; English muffins with margarine; chick pea, lettuce and bean salad.

Feb 19, 2019 – Black bean, veggie and nuts salad; veggie bugers on my mother’s Guyanese roti with tomato sauce; and my VD day gift to to Blonde One: a copy of “The Cookie Sutra“.

Feb 20, 2019 – Black beans sauteed with onions, garlic, coriander, cumin seeds, and red pepper, served with basmati rice, pesto and salsa.

In Other News

Miraculously, this morning both I and The Blonde One remembered our dreams from the previous night. Me, I was dead and being judged in the afterlife. But while there, I saw some shenanigans and reported them. So I was placed in witness protection…. in the afterlife…. so that I could give testimony about post-death corruption.

If any Hollywood hacks out there want to buy this idea, give me a call.

The Blonde One, on the other hand, dreamed that she and I were at Trump Tower where we encountered El Presidente himself. He was sitting naked on a bean bag chair, pleasuring himself. At one point, he groped The Blonde One, who jumped to the other side of me, so that I could have enough room to…

…wait for it…

…Side kick Donald Trump in the head.

That’s right.

See you folks in the Bahamas!

Dogulus being very standoffish

UPDATE: has given me a full refund! Bravo, folks! That’s some excellent and responsive customer service! I thanked them on Twitter, and they sent this great reply.


