CATEGORY / authoritarianism

Chicken Rude and Unreasonable

Mommy Who Is That Big Baby?

You know, I don’t miss Farcebook. But I do miss changing my profile pic regularly. I was going through some of my old profile pics and I saw this one, which remains one of my favourites. It’s several years old now, and my cousin’s son would probably be mortified if I showed it to him, as he is now quite comfortably bipedal:

And while I’m mentioning random things, the latest Separated at Birth is an eerie one, IMHO. (more…)

We Shall Name Him Sprock

(I stole that off the Internet. Can’t take credit.)

Follow That Bird! I Mean… This Blog!

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Who Looks Like Who(m)?

My latest Separated at Birth is a tribute to two things the Blonde One was entertained by: The Office and UFC 229. (more…)

My Vegan Pizza Order Arrived With Chicken

Life With The Blonde One

Want to know what it’s like being me?

I went to the Middle Eastern grocery store “Adonis” last week, and asked my Significant Other if she wanted anything. She indicated that she would appreciate some baba ganouj, because who wouldn’t? Well, this is how the conversation actually went: (more…)

Videoconferencing Like a Boss, Bannon, Bears & Breakfasts

Defend Your Thesis!

As I write this from Burlington, Ontario, I am also videoconferencing with a committee in Ottawa as we examine the doctoral defence of a terrified student.  (Yes, I am giving her all of my attention…. there’s a break in the action right now.)

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