CATEGORY / guyana

Toe Eggs

It’s been about a week since I returned from my most recent trip to Guyana. I’ve often joked to my students that the thing that will likely kill me is probably already in my blood stream.  So many trips to so many jungles in the world have exposed me to a fair number of parasites and disease vectors.  Almost certainly, some of them have no known taxonomy. (more…)

A Brief Return to Guyana

April 17, 2014

Greetings from Suddie, Essequibo, Guyana. Yep, I’m back here again. I’m writing this blog post offline and will (hopefully) upload it when I get back to a region with reliable internet service. (more…)

Development in Guyana, part 4 of 4

The garbage in Bartica

The garbage in Bartica

This is part 4 of 4 brief podcasts recorded on location in Guyana, all about development issues affecting that country.  This one is about 12 minutes long and was recorded in a “hotel” room in Bartica.  I put quotation marks around the word “hotel” because I want to make it clear that these aren’t exactly 5 star accommodations.  The room is very basic and is above a store.  I’m not complaining, I just want to be clear about the environment.  The hum in the background is the sound of a fan.  This episode is about 12 minutes long.

If you haven’t already, check out parts 1, 2, and 3 .

Development in Guyana, part 3 of 4

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