CATEGORY / martial arts

The Wisest Thing I Ever Did

Greetings, friends. As I write this, there is bag of ice on my lap. Why, you ask? Because I pulled my groin in Brazilian Jiujitsu (BJJ) class, while rolling with someone who was literally a third of my age.  I was attempting a scissor sweep from open guard. (Yes, that means something to some people reading this.) …Which totally should have worked, but something “down there” literally snapped. I heard it.

Getting older sucks, my friends.

But it got me thinking about my journey to this moment. I’ve written about it before, but I think it’s worth revisiting. Being old, I do find myself revisiting the choices I’ve made in my life. It takes a certain mood and strength to tolerate thinking about my bad choices. But I take deep pleasure in recounting the good choices, mostly because there have been so few of them. And perhaps the wisest choice I ever made was done when I was 19 years old, in September of 1986.


Caution: Do Not Swallow

Frederick Banting, co-discoverer of insulin (at my alma mater), would have been 127 today. And so today is also….. wait for it….

Happy World Diabetes Day! In early celebration, I recently had a giant stack of pancakes with real maple syrup and extra insulin on top.

So if you’re doing something special for diabetes today, I hBa1C you! (A little medical humour there. Very little.)

In other news, I just walked the dog through the very cold streets of Hamilton, Ontario. In the park, we saw an old Chinese woman in a parka, doing slow-motion Wushu moves with an actual sword. No one else was there, so nobody will believe me. Not even the dog.

Speaking of which, here’s the little nubbin wearing his plaid turtleneck:

I call this one, “Bitches.”

Balls Silly

I was just informed by a Google alert that I was just cited by a scholar from the Balsillie School of International Affairs. I have no idea what the context of the citation is. All I know is that my first response was, “Balls silly.  Heh heh. Balls silly school of international affairs. Heh heh. Balls silly.”

Damn. There go my lunch plans.

Good to know. Thanks.

We Shall Name Him Sprock

(I stole that off the Internet. Can’t take credit.)

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Who Looks Like Who(m)?

My latest Separated at Birth is a tribute to two things the Blonde One was entertained by: The Office and UFC 229. (more…)

The Fox Knows Many Things

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