Someone on Twitter just released adjusted images of the characters in Seinfeld updated for today’s fashion sensibilities. (more…)
Someone on Twitter just released adjusted images of the characters in Seinfeld updated for today’s fashion sensibilities. (more…)
Elements of this review were reproduced in the Huffington Post article, “The World Needed the Return of ‘Cosmos'”
Back in 1979, I was a 12 year old immigrant kid, youngest in a busy and stressed house of 7 people, and attending an inner city middle school in Toronto, which was not exactly the model of academic excellence (but which was, as an aside, the model for the TV show, DeGrassi Junior High). (more…)
A few years ago I made a list of porn versions of popular movies. Let’s try to do the same for TV shows, shall we?
Doctor Goo
The Orifice
BJ and the Hair
Game of Bones
The Daily Ho
How I Wet Your Mother
Storage Whores
The Gimpsons
And…. the winner is….
The Deadliest Snatch
You’re welcome.
For part 13 of our regular series, click here.
And they both kinda look like this guy:
In other news…
Check out my retrospective review of Babylon 5 over at
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