CATEGORY / uganda

Pickety Pick Pick Pick

Hmmm, two all-nighters in a row and I’m still up and working. How is this possible?

No great insights today. Instead, you get some photos!

1. Pics from my trip to Uganda back in 2005 (from which the sign to the left originates)

2. Pics from my trip to India earlier this year


Back In Canada

You know, this was my very first trip after which I did not actually look forward to coming home. Uganda was fascinating and charming, but I actually regret not spending more time in Europe. My pace, sense of style and aesthetic found a home there. Zoom airlines will be introducing cheap flights between Toronto and Cardiff in the Fall, so maybe I’ll be spending more time there soon.

We got back to London Friday night and revelled in drinkable tap water and dust-free clothes, though the sudden increase in pricing (relative to Uganda) was sobering. Hence I remained sober. And yesterday afternoon I finally returned to Canada. Right now I’m on a VIA train to Ottawa, and will upload photos once I regain access to my sweet, sweet electronic toys.

As most of you know, I’m a fairly experiened traveller, and several of my journeys have lasted many months. Yet this comparatively petite journey of 3 weeks feels like it has lasted months, and I think it’s because each and every day was packed with activities from the break of dawn to the wee hours of the evening. In a word: overstimulation.

Okay, the undergrads in front of me are having the most annoyingly banal conversation, so I need to end this entry and retreat unto sweet, sweet unconciousness. Later.

Oh So Tired (Africa Edition)

(Note: Before reading this post, please consult the very serious disclaimer.)

Back in Kampala and functioning on 3 hours of sleep. Am barely awake in the Webcity internet cafe, so not sure if this post will make much sense. See, I stayed up too late watching David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive last night. What a fucked movie. Some of the best lesbian sex scenes I’ve ever seen, though, and I don’t even like that sort of thing! A good time had by all.

Today my compatriots and I hired a car and driver which will take us to Bwindi national park on Monday, whereupon we will begin our 5 hour trek into the forest, known as one of the most impenetrable in the world, in search of the elusive and endangered mountain gorilla. Andrew is pressing for us to hire porters for our trek. Ordinarily I’d rebuke such a suggestion, but I’m so fatigued from travel and from the heat that it’s starting to sound like a pretty good idea.

Unfortunately it seems unlikely that I’ll get a chance to visit any of the HIV clinics I’d planned on seeing. Guess this trip is going to be all tourism.

So far so good, though. Uganda is beautiful, her people genuine, honest and warm, and its streets safe and navigable. No complaints here!

Leopard in a Sausage Tree

Gotta keep this short… internet access here is tenuous!

Just got back from a 3-day safari near Murchison Falls. Highlights included seeing a leopard in a sausage tree –no joke! Got some great pics of wild elephants, giraffes, etc.

This morning we trekke for 2 hours into a chimp preserve and were rewarded with terrifying screeching and the shaking of trees as the chimps made their displeasure with our presence known. This was followed by urination from great heights and the regular pelting of figs.

Yes, chimp piss and figs. Insert joke here.

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