Welcome to the WatCave, home of the WatLab, where Professor Raywat Deonandan and his team at the University of Ottawa apply an interdisciplinary lens to investigate questions within the “Three E’s” of Epidemiology, Education, and Ethics. 

Professor Deonandan’s Research Statement:

The pace of societal change is accelerating. Pandemics, artificial intelligence, space exploration, climate change, political upheavals, anomalous sightings, and even the new ways in which we communicate with each other are all contributing to an ever more confusing and frantic world. As a Global Health Epidemiologist and science communicator, I see my role as bringing measurement and critical appraisal to whatever evidence exists to help us navigate this thickening soup of competing influences. During the COVID pandemic, I focused solely on communicating risk to the general public. And as uOttawa’s new Teaching Chair as of July 2023, I am looking at how artificial intelligence can improve university teaching.

Dr Deonandan’s bio.

Research Outputs:


List of current and past graduate students, undergraduates pursuing honours projects, students working under research fellowships, and other student volunteers.
