The Best Bond Songs

AI-generated image of a generic James Bond. Looks like one of my Indian cousins after he’s starved himself for a month.

Clearly I’m procrastinating. In fact, I’d describe myself as a professionally crastinator, I’m so good at it.

Instead of tackling one of the countless overdue tasks demanding my attention, this morning I’ve chosen to list the five very best theme songs from the James Bond movie franchise.

My criteria? I have none. These are just the ones I like best, the ones I regularly find myself humming and randomly calling up on Spotify. You might disagree with my ranking, but you would be wrong.

So from #10 to #1, here is my list….


Saltwater Redux

Next month marks a watershed anniversary for me. It will be 25 years since my very first book, Sweet Like Saltwater, was published. Related, it’s also precisely the 25th anniversary of my first blog post. Yes, I’ve been blogging since before the word “blog” was coined.  (Not really, the term was invented 2 years before my first foray.)

My first post was indeed about the impending publication of Sweet Like Saltwater:


Remembering Tom Parsons

Today I found myself thinking about my 2nd year Comparative Anatomy professor, from back when I was a clueless undergrad in the late 1980s at the University of Toronto.  After some help from folks on Twitter, I figured out that his name was Dr Tom Parsons. I was saddened but unsurprised to learn that Dr Parsons had passed away at the age of 80 in 2011. (more…)

Measles Q&A

Yep, produced by AI

A while back, Dr Mary Fernando wrote an article about Measles for the Medical Post, which has since been reproduced at Canada Healthwatch. For the article, she asked me to submit some of the common Measles questions that people send me, which I did, and which she then incorporated into her splendid article.

I thought it would be useful to share with you the complete document that I sent her, just for archival purposes. So here goes: questions about Measles that people send me, and the answers that I give… (more…)

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